Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Trip to Brogue: España

M: I love this song. [hums] I think we should start a Simon and Garfunkel cover band.

J: I would LOVE that.

M: I think there's a lady group that already does that. I haven't listened to them yet because I was mad.

J: We'll just have to do it better.

M: Fair enough. Challenge accepted. Also, I don't play an instrument.

J: Well I allegedly play more than one. It'll even out.

M: I have a drum set.

J: Half the battle?

M: Indeed.

J: So ages and eons and a long time ago we watched The Trip to Spain, the third in a possible franchise featuring Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan.

M: Mr. Coogan. I believe they've set it up for a fourth movie as well. I'm not sad about that.

J: Really!? I don't even remember the ending. Oh wait. Yes I do. That was some unfinished drama there!
I need a drink.

M: Yes.

J: And this was the first of the three where both main characters maintained a really decent sense of... decency...

M: Well said. [laughs]

J: But seriously! It was mostly good, clean, accent fun!

M: Brogue fun? We're all about brogue fun here. Brogue-infested fun. That sounds terrible.

J: [frowns] No no. No infestations. Wrong.

M: Infestation implies they're not welcome. When, in fact, brogues are very welcome at Blog With a Brogue. Encouraged, even!

J: Shall I get Downton Tabby then?

M: [laughs] Please do. Classic literature. Litter-ature. Cats.

J: Little sneak preview for ya!

M: [drinks] You'll have to put a link to Downton Tabby.

J: Done! So highlights from The Trip to Spain?
Don Qui-what-te?

M: Um. As I recall, we saw this the day after the triple homicide on Mass St. so I was quite bummed, and this movie did cheer me up considerably. It was a nice escape for sure.

J: Oh sh*t. I forgot about that. I was almost nervous to go out on Mass, but it didn't last long. And this movie was a very satisfying reminder that Lawrence was as it ever was...

M: [nods] Very true. And, as with the other movies, there were more than a couple laugh-out-loud parts.

J: The Moors?

M: [laughs] That it happens in Granada was the icing on the cake for me.

J: I just like that we've both been there!

M: Indeed. A three-hour tour.

J: [wheezes]

M: I did not go back to the Alhambra while I studied there for that reason!

J: A LITERAL three-hour tour! I just remember waiting ages and ages early in the morning in the cold to get in. No coats, because it would warm up considerably once the sun came out.

M: [nods] That being said, the Alhambra is amazing and worth a visit.

J: The shots were surprisingly familiar. And the jokes that Rob was making at that time were allllllmost too much.

M: Easily my favorite part of the movie.

J: What accent was he doing? Roger Moore?

M: Indeed.

J: The Moor Moores in Moor-land.

M: [laughs] Too much, and yet, just enough. Is how I would describe Rob Brydon in general.

J: I'm trying to remember other parts of the movie...

"Bond. James Bond."
M: If I'm being honest, it mostly  made me want to re-watch the other movies. Specifically, the first movie.

J: The first one really held most of the magic.

M: Also, getting a text message from my parents asking, "What's the movie about the two guys that eat at restaurants then talk about it?" I don't even know how to say that grammatically correctly. [regards empty glass] That was delightful. Also the fact that I wasn't initially sure if they were talking about The Wine Show!

J: So I will say, if you're a fan of The Trip series, The Trip to Spain is another fantastic installment and worth watching for a few scenes alone. The dramatic interludes really take it up a notch this time and left me really hoping that they would continue.

M: Also. The Trip movies always make me want to watch other movies or shows with Steve Coogan. And I only say Steve Coogan because I haven't seen anything else with Rob Brydon. But. You really need to watch Moone Boy. Like a lot.

J: It's British?

M: Irish! Even betterh! But seriously, Chris O'Dowd. It's fantastic, and you and your bae should watch it so we can blog about it properly!!

J: Hahaha aw, I have a bae. That's neat.

M: That is neat! I'm very happy for you!

[live broguing]
J: So we'll be welcoming our Golden Globes guests in not too long... is there anything else you'd like to say about The Trip to Spain before we depart?

M: All I wanna say is... that... those movies entertain me significantly. And, if you feel so inclined, you should really watch one through three [snap-snap-snap].

J: That was NOT in a z-shape, ladies and gentlemen. Just for the record.

M: It was not!

J: Truly, this was my favorite of the series, just because our main characters didn't do anything too untoward.

M: Really? Ah, that's fair. I really wish it had less "plot" and more, just, circumstances.

J: I know exactly what you mean! The fact that the main plot drama occurred with Steve Coogan's son was a relief at the least.

M: [nods] [considers empty glass]

J: So I look forward to...

M: Round four!

J: Yes! And I hope we get a more wholesome view of the whole endeavor?

M: Less plot, more brogue! That's the BWAB way!

J: Oh my god. OH MY GOD. We just found our tagline!

M: "Oh my god, we did!"

J: Seriously though, less plot, more brogue. Sh*t's forreal. Night, all!

M: Yup.

But really, we should do a fourth movie.